Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ways to make Money during recession

I can put it another way that recession has its own advantages. It gives the courage to people to venture out of their current job and look for more exciting ones. It teaches them to control their personal finances and have secure financial freedom and independence. How to save money is the great question that most of us have at the moment. Will our saving be enough to survive the recession?

Here are the Top few Ways to make Money during recession:

1) Be Informed:  Be alert on what is happening in the market. If you know the market well then you can invest or re-invest in new growing ventures even at the time of recession. 
2) Have a budget and reserve for yourself:  If you do not already have a budget, then now is the time to create one.  Use your budget to determine and reduce your unnecessary expenses.   Pay down your debt and build a savings account of three to six months of your living expenses.  Get out of debt as fast as you can.  Your mortgage payment is likely to be your largest monthly bill.  You can reduce your mortgage with one of many options including downsizing, doubling up, and renting, refinancing or even foreclosing.
3) Reduce unnecessary costs:  Reduce your food costs, by eating out less and buying more food from the grocery store.  Plant a small fresh salad and vegetable garden this summer to increase your health and save some money.  Reduce window shopping, buy what is required.
All these three option seems that we should have a miser’s life.  If you think we have to enjoy life we need to spend on what ever we feel like. Then the fourth option might help.
Have you ever thought how recession is impacting you: - it does by reducing your spending power? The money you earn will not be sufficient enough to buy things you like. This situation may arise even when the market is very good.
We generally blame the company we work for and try changing companies for earning more. We negotiate on the money we get. But do you think that the companies pay you just because you bargain. Companies try to take the most out of you. They run a business and their balance sheet should match. Every penny they pay you they try to extract double. So you end up coming home late, working at night from home, your work life balance goes for a toss.
To fight our personal recession we either can save or get more revenue to spend or else increase our earnings. Increase our earning by not burning ourself more is the best and smart solution. How?
4) Create another Income Stream:  To do this you may consider taking a second job for a month or two or selling unneeded household items on eBay, but these options are not likely to bring in a significant enough income to really help you out.  What if you really want to be proactive and do something that won't just be a partial fix? 
Well, one of the most profitable ways to supplement and increase your income especially in our current economy may be with the Internet.  Many online businesses have low-start up cost, are convenient and you can work at home on your own schedule and still have the time to spend with your families and do the things you love.  Times like these are absolutely ideal for making the decision to start your own online business and take control of your financial future.  There is so much freedom and relief in not having to count on a pay check as your only means of providing for your family during times of financial and economic strain.
While the recession is certainly nothing to celebrate, it may give many enterprising people the opportunity and freedom to examine other methods of earning money.  For those people, it may prove to be a blessing in disguise and the beginning of a bright and prosperous future!

For More Information on how to overcome the recession and thrive financially despite the failing economy, please write to

Monday, November 8, 2010

Trounce Recession

What is recession/ Down turn?
In economics, a recession is a business cycle contraction, a general slowdown in economic activity over a period of time. Economists officially define a recession as two consecutive quarters of negative growth in gross domestic product (GDP). The National Bureau of Economic Research cites "a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months" as the hallmark of a recession.
During recessions, many macroeconomic indicators vary in a similar way. Production as measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employment, investment spending, capacity utilization, household incomes, business profits and inflation all fall during recessions; while bankruptcies and the unemployment rate rise.
Recessions are generally believed to be caused by a widespread drop in spending. Governments usually respond to recessions by adopting expansionary macroeconomic policies, such as increasing money supply, increasing government spending and decreasing taxation

Recession is a chaotic situation, with most of us forced to change the standard of our living. We become more constraint on our spending and more importantly our income drops. We had been facing recessions from long with the 2007-2008 being the toughest one. Is recession recurring? Yes, if we look at the history, recession is recurring, it repeats in one sector or the other in one form or the other. The end result of a recession is job loss and financial crisis. Just look back on how many people lost jobs and were forced to lead a much lower life style due to the recent recession.

People say:  If your neighbour gets laid off, it's a recession. If you get laid off, it's a depression.

Is recession permanent?

No, Recession is not permanent, it comes and goes and some are more severe and last longer than others. But history shows that recessions invariably end, and when they do, an economic recovery follows.

Are we ready to face recession?
The question now is how many of us are ready to face recession or how many of us feel that we will not be affected by a recession. Most of us felt the same till the beginning of 2008, when the last major recession hit the world economies. Most of our friends lost their jobs. They were earning descent salary had a luxurious life style. They had a comfortable and reliable job, which was their only source of income. But one fine day the company lets them down complaining of lack of revenue or break down due to recession. The company reduces the workforce and strives for its profit.

We may feel that my company is recession free. But the fact is no company is if the huge companies like Lehman Brothers, General Motors, Citibank can be affected by recession, any huge corporation can fall a prey to this contraction. Some day our companies can also be affected by recession.  

Who is much affect during recession the company or you? We, the people like us who rely on the company for our day to day life. There are few who feel we can survive the recession with the saving we make. Have you ever thought - How much can we save? Will our saving last for the next few months? I strongly feel no. The saving we have can help us go on say another month or two, and then we start to compromise on lot of things. US bureau of statistics reported that the economy lost 36,000 jobs in February.

We all know that fever and other small contagious disease are curable. Does that mean we love to get affected by the disease? Recession will not last long; it is followed by a recovery. Do we want recession to affect our life and then wait for recovery, or we would love to avoid it?

Now few of you will be thinking how is this possible? 

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